OpenMPTL - STM32F10X
C++ Microprocessor Template Library
Classes | Namespaces
rcc.hpp File Reference
#include <register.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  mptl::RCC
 Reset and clock control. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CR
 Clock control register. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR
 Clock configuration register (RCC_CFGR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::SW
 System clock switch. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::SWS
 System clock switch status. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::HPRE
 AHB prescaler. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::PPRE1
 APB low speed prescaler (APB1) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::PPRE2
 APB high speed prescaler (APB2) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::ADCPRE
 ADC prescaler. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::PLLSRC
 PLL entry clock source. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::PLLXTPRE
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::PLLMUL
 PLL Multiplication Factor. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::OTGFSPRE
 USB OTG FS prescaler (only available on connectivity line devices!) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::USBPRE
 USB prescaler (not available on connectivity line devices!) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR::MCO
 Microcontroller Clock Output. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CIR
 Clock interrupt register (RCC_CIR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::APB2RSTR
 APB2 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB2RSTR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::APB1RSTR
 APB1 peripheral reset register (RCC_APB1RSTR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::AHBENR
 AHB Peripheral Clock enable register (RCC_AHBENR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::APB2ENR
 APB2 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_APB2ENR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::APB1ENR
 APB1 peripheral clock enable register (RCC_APB1ENR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::BDCR
 Backup domain control register (RCC_BDCR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::BDCR::RTCSEL
 RTC clock source selection. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CSR
 Control/status register (RCC_CSR) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::AHBRSTR
 AHB peripheral clock reset register (RCC_AHBRSTR) (only available on connectivity line devices!) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR2
 Clock configuration register2 (RCC_CFGR2) (only available on connectivity line devices!) More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR2::PREDIV1SRC
 PREDIV1 entry clock source. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR2::I2S2SRC
 I2S2 clock source. More...
struct  mptl::RCC::CFGR2::I2S3SRC
 I2S3 clock source. More...

