OpenMPTL - STM32F10X
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mptl::irq Namespace Reference


class  spi
class  spi< 1 >
class  spi< 2 >
class  usart
class  usart< 1 >
class  usart< 2 >
class  usart< 3 >


typedef core_exception<-15 > reset
typedef core_exception<-14 > nmi
typedef core_exception<-13 > hard_fault
typedef core_exception<-12 > memory_management
typedef core_exception<-11 > bus_fault
typedef core_exception<-10 > usage_fault
typedef core_exception<-5 > sv_call
typedef core_exception<-4 > debug_monitor
typedef core_exception<-2 > pend_sv
typedef core_exception<-1 > systick
using wwdg = irq_channel< 0 >
 Window WatchDog Interrupt. More...
using pvd = irq_channel< 1 >
 PVD through EXTI Line detection Interrupt. More...
using tamper = irq_channel< 2 >
 Tamper Interrupt. More...
using rtc = irq_channel< 3 >
 RTC global Interrupt. More...
using flash = irq_channel< 4 >
 FLASH global Interrupt. More...
using rcc = irq_channel< 5 >
 RCC global Interrupt. More...
using exti0 = irq_channel< 6 >
 EXTI Line0 Interrupt. More...
using exti1 = irq_channel< 7 >
 EXTI Line1 Interrupt. More...
using exti2 = irq_channel< 8 >
 EXTI Line2 Interrupt. More...
using exti3 = irq_channel< 9 >
 EXTI Line3 Interrupt. More...
using exti4 = irq_channel< 10 >
 EXTI Line4 Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel1 = irq_channel< 11 >
 DMA1 Channel 1 global Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel2 = irq_channel< 12 >
 DMA1 Channel 2 global Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel3 = irq_channel< 13 >
 DMA1 Channel 3 global Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel4 = irq_channel< 14 >
 DMA1 Channel 4 global Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel5 = irq_channel< 15 >
 DMA1 Channel 5 global Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel6 = irq_channel< 16 >
 DMA1 Channel 6 global Interrupt. More...
using dma1_channel7 = irq_channel< 17 >
 DMA1 Channel 7 global Interrupt. More...
using adc1_2 = irq_channel< 18 >
 ADC1 and ADC2 global Interrupt. More...
using can1_tx = irq_channel< 19 >
 USB Device High Priority or CAN1 TX Interrupts. More...
using can1_rx0 = irq_channel< 20 >
 USB Device Low Priority or CAN1 RX0 Interrupts. More...
using can1_rx1 = irq_channel< 21 >
 CAN1 RX1 Interrupt. More...
using can1_sce = irq_channel< 22 >
 CAN1 SCE Interrupt. More...
using exti9_5 = irq_channel< 23 >
 External Line[9:5] Interrupts. More...
using tim1_brk = irq_channel< 24 >
 TIM1 Break Interrupt. More...
using tim1_up = irq_channel< 25 >
 TIM1 Update Interrupt. More...
using tim1_trg_com = irq_channel< 26 >
 TIM1 Trigger and Commutation Interrupt. More...
using tim1_cc = irq_channel< 27 >
 TIM1 Capture Compare Interrupt. More...
using tim2 = irq_channel< 28 >
 TIM2 global Interrupt. More...
using tim3 = irq_channel< 29 >
 TIM3 global Interrupt. More...
using tim4 = irq_channel< 30 >
 TIM4 global Interrupt. More...
using i2c1_ev = irq_channel< 31 >
 I2C1 Event Interrupt. More...
using i2c1_er = irq_channel< 32 >
 I2C1 Error Interrupt. More...
using i2c2_ev = irq_channel< 33 >
 I2C2 Event Interrupt. More...
using i2c2_er = irq_channel< 34 >
 I2C2 Error Interrupt. More...
using spi1 = irq_channel< 35 >
 SPI1 global Interrupt. More...
using spi2 = irq_channel< 36 >
 SPI2 global Interrupt. More...
using usart1 = irq_channel< 37 >
 USART1 global Interrupt. More...
using usart2 = irq_channel< 38 >
 USART2 global Interrupt. More...
using usart3 = irq_channel< 39 >
 USART3 global Interrupt. More...
using exti15_10 = irq_channel< 40 >
 External Line[15:10] Interrupts. More...
using rtc_alarm = irq_channel< 41 >
 RTC Alarm through EXTI Line Interrupt. More...
using otg_fs_wkup = irq_channel< 42 >
 USB OTG FS WakeUp from suspend through EXTI Line Interrupt. More...
using tim5 = irq_channel< 50 >
 TIM5 global Interrupt. More...
using spi3 = irq_channel< 51 >
 SPI3 global Interrupt. More...
using uart4 = irq_channel< 52 >
 UART4 global Interrupt. More...
using uart5 = irq_channel< 53 >
 UART5 global Interrupt. More...
using tim6 = irq_channel< 54 >
 TIM6 global Interrupt. More...
using tim7 = irq_channel< 55 >
 TIM7 global Interrupt. More...
using dma2_channel1 = irq_channel< 56 >
 DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt. More...
using dma2_channel2 = irq_channel< 57 >
 DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt. More...
using dma2_channel3 = irq_channel< 58 >
 DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt. More...
using dma2_channel4 = irq_channel< 59 >
 DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt. More...
using dma2_channel5 = irq_channel< 60 >
 DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt. More...
using eth = irq_channel< 61 >
 Ethernet global Interrupt. More...
using eth_wkup = irq_channel< 62 >
 Ethernet Wakeup through EXTI line Interrupt. More...
using can2_tx = irq_channel< 63 >
 CAN2 TX Interrupt. More...
using can2_rx0 = irq_channel< 64 >
 CAN2 RX0 Interrupt. More...
using can2_rx1 = irq_channel< 65 >
 CAN2 RX1 Interrupt. More...
using can2_sce = irq_channel< 66 >
 CAN2 SCE Interrupt. More...
using otg_fs = irq_channel< 67 >
 USB OTG FS global Interrupt. More...


static constexpr bool reserved_irqn (int irqn)


static constexpr int numof_interrupt_channels = 68

Typedef Documentation

◆ adc1_2

using mptl::irq::adc1_2 = typedef irq_channel<18>

◆ can1_rx0

using mptl::irq::can1_rx0 = typedef irq_channel<20>

◆ can1_rx1

using mptl::irq::can1_rx1 = typedef irq_channel<21>

◆ can1_sce

using mptl::irq::can1_sce = typedef irq_channel<22>

◆ can1_tx

using mptl::irq::can1_tx = typedef irq_channel<19>

◆ can2_rx0

using mptl::irq::can2_rx0 = typedef irq_channel<64>

◆ can2_rx1

using mptl::irq::can2_rx1 = typedef irq_channel<65>

◆ can2_sce

using mptl::irq::can2_sce = typedef irq_channel<66>

◆ can2_tx

using mptl::irq::can2_tx = typedef irq_channel<63>

◆ dma1_channel1

◆ dma1_channel2

◆ dma1_channel3

◆ dma1_channel4

◆ dma1_channel5

◆ dma1_channel6

◆ dma1_channel7

◆ dma2_channel1

◆ dma2_channel2

◆ dma2_channel3

◆ dma2_channel4

◆ dma2_channel5

◆ eth

using mptl::irq::eth = typedef irq_channel<61>

◆ eth_wkup

using mptl::irq::eth_wkup = typedef irq_channel<62>

◆ exti0

using mptl::irq::exti0 = typedef irq_channel<6>

◆ exti1

using mptl::irq::exti1 = typedef irq_channel<7>

◆ exti15_10

using mptl::irq::exti15_10 = typedef irq_channel<40>

◆ exti2

using mptl::irq::exti2 = typedef irq_channel<8>

◆ exti3

using mptl::irq::exti3 = typedef irq_channel<9>

◆ exti4

using mptl::irq::exti4 = typedef irq_channel<10>

◆ exti9_5

using mptl::irq::exti9_5 = typedef irq_channel<23>

◆ flash

using mptl::irq::flash = typedef irq_channel<4>

◆ i2c1_er

using mptl::irq::i2c1_er = typedef irq_channel<32>

◆ i2c1_ev

using mptl::irq::i2c1_ev = typedef irq_channel<31>

◆ i2c2_er

using mptl::irq::i2c2_er = typedef irq_channel<34>

◆ i2c2_ev

using mptl::irq::i2c2_ev = typedef irq_channel<33>

◆ otg_fs

using mptl::irq::otg_fs = typedef irq_channel<67>

◆ otg_fs_wkup

using mptl::irq::otg_fs_wkup = typedef irq_channel<42>

◆ pvd

using mptl::irq::pvd = typedef irq_channel<1>

◆ rcc

using mptl::irq::rcc = typedef irq_channel<5>

◆ rtc

using mptl::irq::rtc = typedef irq_channel<3>

◆ rtc_alarm

using mptl::irq::rtc_alarm = typedef irq_channel<41>

◆ spi1

using mptl::irq::spi1 = typedef irq_channel<35>

◆ spi2

using mptl::irq::spi2 = typedef irq_channel<36>

◆ spi3

using mptl::irq::spi3 = typedef irq_channel<51>

◆ tamper

using mptl::irq::tamper = typedef irq_channel<2>

◆ tim1_brk

using mptl::irq::tim1_brk = typedef irq_channel<24>

◆ tim1_cc

using mptl::irq::tim1_cc = typedef irq_channel<27>

◆ tim1_trg_com

using mptl::irq::tim1_trg_com = typedef irq_channel<26>

◆ tim1_up

using mptl::irq::tim1_up = typedef irq_channel<25>

◆ tim2

using mptl::irq::tim2 = typedef irq_channel<28>

◆ tim3

using mptl::irq::tim3 = typedef irq_channel<29>

◆ tim4

using mptl::irq::tim4 = typedef irq_channel<30>

◆ tim5

using mptl::irq::tim5 = typedef irq_channel<50>

◆ tim6

using mptl::irq::tim6 = typedef irq_channel<54>

◆ tim7

using mptl::irq::tim7 = typedef irq_channel<55>

◆ uart4

using mptl::irq::uart4 = typedef irq_channel<52>

◆ uart5

using mptl::irq::uart5 = typedef irq_channel<53>

◆ usart1

using mptl::irq::usart1 = typedef irq_channel<37>

◆ usart2

using mptl::irq::usart2 = typedef irq_channel<38>

◆ usart3

using mptl::irq::usart3 = typedef irq_channel<39>

◆ wwdg

using mptl::irq::wwdg = typedef irq_channel<0>

Variable Documentation

◆ numof_interrupt_channels

constexpr int mptl::irq::numof_interrupt_channels = 68